
Complaints and Appeals

Document ID No.:
Authorised by:
Wayne Tonner - Chief Executive Officer
Last Reviewed:
August 15, 2023

Policy Statement

This policy applies to complaints generated regarding Asset Training. A complaint may be about anything done, or not done, by management, personnel or other students, which the complainant feels has been unfair or unjust. A complaint may be lodged in person or by telephone, fax, electronically or by letter. A verbal complaint may subsequently need to be made in writing to enable a full investigation.


The following principles support the process for responding to complaints.

Principle 1 – Equitable:

Complaints are considered in a clear, objective and unbiased manner. The complaints-handling process incorporates the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness.

Principle 2 – Accessible:

Information about the complaints-handling process and the means to lodge a complaint is readily accessible and available

Principle 3 – Comprehensive:

The relevant circumstances and information surrounding a complaint are investigated to the level warranted by the severity of the complaint

Principle 4 – Responsive:

Timeframes for investigating and resolving complaints will be set and monitored.

Principle 5 – Accountable:

There is appropriate monitoring through regular reporting of complaints received and actions taken.

Principle 6 – Confidential:

Confidentiality is maintained and anonymity preserved. Complainants will be informed where this may limit the extent to which a complaint can be investigated.


All personnel will be equipped to respond to complaints constructively. The process for making a complaint is simple and usually involves:

·        Approach the person concerned – Make every attempt to solve the problem with the person involved.

·        Approach the Training Coordinator – They are responsible for investigating a complaint or appeal.

·        Recommending the appropriate response or action

·        Talking to the Manager of the RTO Designated Site - If you are unhappy with the response or action taken you should now direct your complaint or appeal to the Training Centre Manager. The Training Centre Manager will investigate the matter.

·        Writing a letter - Complaints must be received in writing for the matter to be completely investigated and responded to. (A verbal complaint may subsequently need to be made in writing to enable a fullinvestigation)

·        Providing feedback on an evaluation form.

The Training Co-Ordinator response will include:

·       Informing the person about whom the complaint is made and seeking their views and perspective;

·       Giving consideration to the use of a mediator; and

·       Informing the complainant/appellant of the outcome of the complaint in a timely manner.

Appeal Process

If a student making a complaint is unsatisfied with the response, they may approach the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations at https://www.dewr.gov.au/national-training-complaints-hotline

You can also register a complaint with ASQA via their online complaint form at https://www.asqa.gov.au/students/complaints


It shall be the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer and Training Centre Manager to ensure that the requirements of this policy are complied with. This policy shall be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that it continues to comply with relevant state or federal legislation or regulation.